Arabic Proverbs For Students (Indonesian Translations) is known in the world of Pesantren as Science Mahfudzhat or Mahfudzhot. Suitable for students, students of Tsanawiyah and Santri or muballigh.
Mahfudzhat or Mahfudzhot is one of the areas of science taught in the curriculum kepesantrenan. Mahfudzhat is a proverb in Arabic that contains wisdom, moral message, noble values, proverbs, life philosophy, poetry, wise expressions sourced from various references including Al Hadith, Al Qur'an, companions, scholars, philosophers, and Other wisdom experts.
Proverbs in this app are grouped related to:
- Science.
- Seriousness.
- Patience.
- Time.
- Friend.
- Honesty.
- Morals and Attitude.
- Wisdom
- Speech and Word.
- The laments of Abu Nawas.
This application is supported with a transliteration that makes reading easier and can change the enlargement of letters as you wish.